45-Minute Rituals 

Below we have copied the two vigils we are currently using: for Peace, and for Nature.

Please feel free to use or adapt the vigils for your group, or for your individual practice.

Please email info@ihuk.org for the date of the next vigil, and for any other information.


Vigil for Peace – Prayers for World Healing

Introduction - Facilitator:

We wish you a warm welcome to this Vigil for Peace.

There will be four focuses for healing this evening. Please interpret each focus and pray in the way you are guided and feels right for you. Let us begin our silence now.


The Focuses


a)    We pray for peace and healing within ourselves

[Silence for 10 minutes, followed by the facilitator saying ‘Amen’]



b)    We pray for peace and healing within our communities

[Silence for 10 minutes, followed by the facilitator saying ‘Amen’]



c)    We pray for peace and healing within our land

[Silence for 10 minutes, followed by the facilitator saying ‘Amen’]



d)    We pray for peace and healing within our world

[Silence for 10 minutes, followed by the facilitator saying ‘Amen’]



You are welcome to join in this prayer:

O Thou, who art the Source of Love, Light and Life, by Thy infinite Mercy, may all be healed and restored in peace – Amen.


[A further silence is held, for approximately 2 or 3 minutes.]



Thank you all so much for coming.


 [The End]

Vigil for the Restoration of the whole of Nature 
to a full state of Health, Mystery and Beauty

Introduction - Facilitator:

We wish you a warm welcome to this Vigil for the Restoration of the whole of Nature to a full state of Health, Mystery and Beauty.

There will be four focuses for healing this evening. Please interpret each focus and pray in the way you are guided and feels right for you.


The Focuses


a)    We pray for the healing, restoration and safeguarding of our own nature

[Silence for 10 minutes, followed by the facilitator saying ‘Amen’]



b)    We pray for the healing, restoration and safeguarding of nature throughout our communities

[Silence for 10 minutes, followed by the facilitator saying ‘Amen’]



c)    We pray for the healing, restoration and safeguarding of nature throughout our land

[Silence for 10 minutes, followed by the facilitator saying ‘Amen’]




d)    We pray for the healing, restoration and safeguarding of nature throughout our world

[Silence for 10 minutes, followed by the facilitator saying ‘Amen’]



You are welcome to join in this prayer:

O Thou, who art the Source of Love, Light and Life, by Thy infinite Mercy, may all nature be restored to a full state of health, mystery and beauty – Amen.


[A further silence is held, for approximately 2 or 3 minutes.]


[The End]



© Inayatiyya Healing Order (UK) 2020